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【新天新地 A New Heaven and A New Earth】 2017 黃敏俊創作個展 Huang Ming-Chun Solo Exhibition

展期 Duration:2017.01.05-2017.02.28
開幕 Opening:2017.01.08(日)15:00PM





The solo exhibition of Huang Mingchun will open from 5th January to 28th February at Fish Art Center and the reception of this exhibition “A New Heaven and A New Earth” will be hold on 8th January. “As the sunshine lighten the world, the rainbow falls like rain to surround us.” Huang is a well-known artist for his light rendering skills. He fluently captures the objects and creates the space on canvas by light/shadow as well as precisely portrays the natural scenery that immersed in sunshine. Huang re-considers the wastes and litters by human as a main theme in his latest work-pieces, and expands his motif to the environmental protection sphere.

The theme “A New Heaven and A New Earth” is quoted from Bible, means the old world has been renewed to a glorious new one, and there’s no sin and devastation exist in the newly heaven and earth any longer. Huang manifests the newly world through his brushes, conveys that the wastes and litters have been parts of the world, and constitutes the new scene of the earth.

The notions of Huang’s works are deeply rooted from his faith. Facing the rejected ones he adopts forgiveness, the broken ones have been accepted in his paintings. Huang’s unique review delivers the depth of thoughts.