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【遺忘與凝望 Forgetting and Gazing】雙向奔赴的創作思維 Creative thinking that runs in both directions



Forgetting and Gazing

Creative thinking that runs in both directions

普遍藝術史與藝術比較的領域,都傾向採用二元思維,將藝術世界分割成為對立兩方,形成「非此即彼」的論點,例如東方對比西方、寫實對比抽象、扁平對比透視等等的描述。當我們開始以歷史角度理解藝術,便會發現許多當代創作者無法以「非此即彼」的概念加以區分。「雙向奔赴」引用時下媒體用詞,比喻相對距離的兩者,基於創作者的意圖,促使兩者逐漸匯聚並產生特殊的意義。本展精選六位跨世代的創作者,透過既有或新創的「美學語法」(the grammar of their aesthetics)探討二元之間如何藉由藝術創作而聚焦。以相異的創作手法各自表述,在宏觀角度和美術技法上,讓相對的二種概念匯流為一,致力探索圖像符號與繪畫語彙,務求在原本對立的關係之間取得平衡。

文 / 曾學彥


光與色 Light and Color


Returning to the fundamental study of visual arts, where mimicking objects is a basic condition of creation, Huang Ming-Chun introduces the concept of "abnormality" in painting. He seeks to craft a viewing experience that is closer to reality by bridging the gap between Gothic's color theory from the early 19th century, the "En plein air" of Impressionist painting, and the expression of color by expressionism in the 20th century. Huang achieves this by simulating the colors of light using paint, as well as the scattered light from electronic devices. By "tuning" our familiar everyday visual memories, he allows the viewer to accumulate a new form of visual cognition.

光 25 Light 25

81 x 47.5 cm(3pcs) / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024


"Light and color" has been Huang Ming-Chun's main research subject for more than 30 years. The original "The Redefinition of Primary Colors" theory truly restores the color of light through the new three primary colors (magenta, yellow, and viridian green) , presenting The attenuation and changes of light, through examples and theories, narrow the gap between painting and reality, return to the essence of light, and make the picture more realistic and three-dimensional that traditional painting cannot achieve.

1/光之窗 1  Window of Light 1

81 x 47.5 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024

2/光之窗 2  Window of Light 2

81 x 47.5 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024

3/光之窗 3  Window of Light 3

81 x 47.5 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024

4/光之窗 4  Window of Light 4

33 x 24 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024


經典系列 Classic series



Using Western painting media and techniques to reproduce Eastern ink painting, HUANG Ming-Chun repaints a contemporary classic using the three primary colors of "Unification of Light and Color" created after years of research.

Each work uses different color tones to make the picture more vivid. The integration of light creates perspective and three-dimensional phenomena in the scenery. In addition, the virtual reality, distance and white space of ink make the picture more natural and transparent, and presented at different levels. The light, clouds, and wind in landscape paintings are brought out to reproduce the majestic momentum of classic paintings.

早春圖 (2) Early Spring (2)

158.3 x 108.1 cm / 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas / 2024

谿山行旅圖 Travelers Among Mountains and Streams

103.3 x 206.3 cm / 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas / 2022


光抽象系列 Light Abstraction series


The "Light Abstraction" series mainly presents the shape of light. The seemingly abstract pictures are actually the embodiment of light.Painting in the past expressed the object shape reflected by light. This series displays the shape of light directly but not the form of an object, wandering between concrete and abstract.

光抽象 18  Light Abstraction 18

91 x 65 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2024


內心與外在 Inner and Outer


Regardless of whether LIU Shin-Yi's works are three-dimensional or two-dimensional works,"capturing the moment" has always been a crucial element within the imagery—whether it’s the innocent faces of children, hair flowing in the wind, or the scenery after a rainstorm. These elements concretely express each moment deeply ingrained in memory. The child figure serves as the central subject, as their pure soul, less inclined to conceal, is closer to their true inner self compared to adults. This also symbolizes the smallness and vulnerability of being in an immense and overwhelming world.

沈默之雨 The Silent Rain

45 x 35.8 cm / 藝術微噴、平滑藝術紙 Giclee Print, Fine Art Paper / 版數 Edition:25 / 2023

「用一場雨的時間,跳一支舞。」劉欣宜〈雨季-圓舞曲〉系列作品,透過小女孩在雨中跳舞的姿態來呈現悠然自得的模樣。特別設計水波狀的不銹鋼台座,並透過鏡面來仿造水面反射的效果。 「即使身在低潮,也能怡然自得的享受當下,與它共存,等待雨過天晴。」

"With the time of a rain shower, dance a waltz." LIU Shin-Yi’s  "Rainy Season - Waltz" series presents a serene image through the figure of a girl dancing in the rain. The specially designed stainless steel pedestal mimics the rippling surface of water, reflecting its shimmering effect. "Even in low moments, one can find tranquility and coexist with the present, waiting for the rain to pass and the skies to clear."

雨季-圓舞曲-2 Rainy Season-Waltz-2

30 x 24 x 40 cm / 銅、不鏽鋼、油彩 Copper, Stainless Steel, Oil Paint / 2023

雨季-圓舞曲-3 Rainy Season-Waltz-3

37 x 24 x 43 cm / 銅、不鏽鋼、油彩 Copper, Stainless Steel, Oil Paint / 2023


古與今 Ancient and Present


CHEN Xiu-Qiao condenses oriental culture into sculptures and uses animal images as symbols, , the artist transforms the brushstrokes of calligraphy into carved lines. The use of hollow spaces replaces traditional blank space, adding a sense of lightness through the interplay of solidity and void in the animal forms. Flowing lines evoke a dynamic visual experience, while the use of spiritual colors infuses the work with a sense of vitality, presenting a bold, contemporary style.

海面頻率 01 Frequency of Sea 01

55 x 25 x 23 cm/樟木、不銹鋼、油彩 Camphor wood, Stainless Steel, Oil Paint/2024


CHEN Xiu-Qiao's artistic core integrates ink wash and calligraphy concepts into three-dimensional sculptures, exploring the relationship between emptiness and presence in positive and negative space. His works draw an analogy to the changing frequencies of ocean waves, reflecting on the visual impression of tranquility that such frequencies evoke.


勢 Indomitable

39 x 20 x 23 cm / 樟木、不銹鋼、油彩 Camphor Wood, Stainless Steel, Oil Paint / 2023


On the way to achieving my ideal, maybe I am just a small point in the trend. I am not willing to be just a nobody, but break through the framework sharply and tenaciously until a new momentum is formed and I continue to move forward. Just like the bullfighting bull and its red color, I wanted to show its indomitable spirit.


自身與他者 Self and Others


The creation of "avatars" has long been a storytelling technique used by artists in their works, opening a welcoming door for viewers. By incorporating their aesthetic experiences into charming, stylized forms, the artist uses the unique design of these characters to metaphorically reflect their own traits. Through these characters, the artist guides the audience into various scenarios, inviting them to explore and understand the challenges the creator has faced.

那裡-貳 There-2

25 x 13 x 11 cm / 銅、油彩上色 Copper, Oil paint / 版數 Edition:15 / 2023




They may seem like inconspicuous weeds, but they can be seen everywhere because of their perseverance and vitality. Collectors record various weeds on the roadside and keep them as collections.

採集人 Collector

35 x 15 x 20 cm/FRP、壓克力 Acrylic On FRP/版數 Edition:6 /2024




日日春 Every day spring

41 x 29 x 22 cm/FRP、壓克力 Acrylic On FRP/版數 Edition:6 / 2024


As winter turns to spring, the seeds of hope begin to germinate, and the cheerful Rose Pericuinkle blooms overhead.

Everyone's mood is like the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers in spring, forever and ever.

夢 Wonderland

51.5 x 70 cm/ 壓克力、木板、石粉黏土 Acrylic, board, stone powder clay/ 2024


存與逝 Existence and Disappearance


LIN An-Chang uses various wild animals as the main subject of sculpture, the artist emphasizes a raw and authentic carving style with minimal surface embellishments and a subtle color palette. This approach highlights the primal vitality of nature, aiming to evoke humanity's earliest memories of the environment. The sculptures not only depict existing landscapes but also serve as a tribute to vanishing natural scenes, preserving their memory before they disappear.

向山海緩步 Ramble towards mountains and sea

95 x 40 x 108 cm/樟木、胡粉、壓克力上色 Camphor wood, Oyster Shell Powder, Acrylic/2024


The longing for mountains and seas is expressed through art, with the deer symbolizing the indescribable mystery and charm between them. The traces of carved wood reveal the irregular beauty of nature, while the joinery technique hints at the footprints left by humans amidst the mountains and seas.

在山坡上舞蹈 Dancing on the hill

17 x 18 x 54 cm/南洋杉、樟木、胡桃木、胡粉、壓克力上色 Araucaria cunninghamii, Walnut, Oyster Shell Powder, Acrylic/2024


26 x 25 x 53 cm (含台座) /樟木、雲檜、壓克力上色 Camphor wood, Cypress, Acrylic/2024


得與失 Gain and Loss


In realistic sculpture techniques, YOU Jing-Rong uses displaced arrangements to present life forms, creating intriguing new combinations of animals and humans. This approach simultaneously conveys the shared conditions of both species—is it the voicelessness of humans who have lost their power of speech, or the inherent silence of creatures born without it? The surreal forms deconstruct the reality of the visual world, allowing the sculptures to not only depict tangible shapes but also to express the deeper messages the creator seeks to convey.

沈默的鵝 Silent Goose

26.5 x 7.5 cm/檜木 Cypress/2024


Silent Goose: The silent goose stares into the distance quietly.

不語 Peaceful

26.5 x 7.5 cm/檜木 Cypress/2024



Forgetting and Gazing- Creative thinking that runs in both directions


黃敏俊 HUANG Ming-Chun

劉欣宜 LIU Shin-Yi

陳修橋 CHEN Xiu-Qiao

朱媛汝 CHU Yuan-Ju

林安常 LIN An-Chang

游峻榮 YOU Jing-Rong


2024 / 10 / 19 ~ 2024 / 12 / 07


2024 / 10 / 19 15:00


秋刀魚藝術中心 Fish Art Center(台北市中山區基湖路137號一樓)

開放時間|Open hours

週二至週六 13:00~19:00(週日、一閉館)



電話:+886 2 2532 3800

Facebook, Instagram 搜尋:秋刀魚藝術中心 Fish Art Center